Once upon a time, a storyteller came to Earth to tell a desperate lie which was a dream or an assumption. But wait, we are not in a dream, the nightmare of us: Climate change. Global warming is the increment of warmness on Earth because of human decisions, behaviours, and other factors. Global warming cause climate change, and climate change profoundly affects our lives. According to numbers collected for years and my observations, I can say that climate change is real and happening.
Climate change has many economic effects on our lives. Every year, individuals in society produce products in extensive forests through various sectors such as agriculture, animal husbandry, and industry. Due to natural disasters caused by climate change, humanity cannot add 300 billion dollars per year to the world economy. China, India, and Indonesia come first in countries where the possible flow of money they can bring to their economy is blocked. In addition, while the growth rate of the world economy was 3.6% between 2014 and 2030, It is estimated that this growth rate will decrease to 2.7% due to the effects of climate change and the deformation it leaves on the products. Although this value seems to be small from a mathematical point of view, considering the total volume of the world economy, it can be said that a decrease of 0.9% will affect the whole world excessively. Because of the world economy's recession, the world bank wants to back to normal as much as possible. And thereby, they are making new product prices so much higher than they are supposed to be. And it is affecting the purchasing power of the consumer.
Also, climate change has many effects on the ecosystem. According to the observations made in Antarctica, it has been observed since 1989; that there is a 3-degree increment. And the increase in temperature has many destructive impacts, such as the loss of 25,000 km2 of the ice shelf. These losses are also causing the sea level to rise by 3mm per year. This rise might seem like an unnecessary change, but if you remember what Holland has been through from millimeters of high sea level, you can see that these rates are significant for humanity. The results will be severe, such as creating a new term, "climate-change refugee." In addition, as the name suggests, climatic changes are observed. In other words, unexpected weather conditions can be encountered. An example of this is the production of wine in Norway in recent years. Although this may seem like a pleasing event initially, it is against nature and the natural ecosystem that spirit brings with it. Climate change does not only affect events on Earth. It increases the toxicity of clouds, and this causes acid rain to occur more frequently. An increase in the acidity of the precipitation causes the sea level to rise, harming the aquatic creatures.
Regarding climate change, we can say that some politicians in society say, "Climate change is a myth". Also, some people say the Earth is flat. And some people say evolution isn't true. Even what the famous scientist Galileo Galilei said at the time was tried to be denied. He was taken to court and even tried to be executed because he only told what he saw and the truth, and what he said was contrary to what religion wanted. So, there will always be some people with opposing ideas. Alongside people with opposing views, there will also be people who accept the ideas without question to fit into popular culture. However, it should be noted that popularizing these ideas or using them as an ideology or policy does not mean that they are real. The reality of a theory or opinion can only be measured by scientific data and a compilation of studies.
From all economic and physical observations, we can say that climate change is not a myth but a fact. The news, misconceptions or even some people might say it is a myth. But it doesn't matter when observing the presence because numbers say there is, and numbers always show the fundamental side, the truth.
Burke, Marshall, et al. "Opportunities for advances in climate change economics." Science 352.6283 (2016): 292-293.
Thuiller, Wilfried. "Climate change and the ecologist." Nature 448.7153 (2007): 550-552.